Tears From Cats Eyes
Normal cats may occasionally have minor tear overflow or minor eye discharge. Tears or light mucous coming from your cats eyes means they have an eye infection due to a virus or bacteria. Vba7cucmedtw9m Severe inflammation in the conjunctiva the tissues around the eye can occasionally block a cats tear duct causing excessive eye tearing. . If your cat has a blocked tear duct your vet may use plain water or saline to flush it. We identified it from well-behaved source. Cats with epiphora tend to have very wet eyes and the tears can stain the skin underneath the eyes. Viral and bacterial infections may cause excess tears. Signs Your Cat Has Watery Eyes. Heres what I found. It keeps their eyes moist and provides nutrients. Watery eyes are also known as epiphora and can occur due to a range of factors from the overproduction of tears or allergies. With each blink of the eyelids tears are pushed along the outer